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ITS Meeting at JFK with TSA; hosted by AfA

28 Sep 2023
1:00pm - 3:30pm EDT

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28 Sep 2023
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To meet the 100% screening requirement for cargo flown on international all-cargo (freighter) flights, the TSA now provides a temporary pathway for impossible-to-screen shipments to fly, provided specific security standards are attained.

TSA advises that this program will be discontinued on October 31, 2023. After that date, cargo deemed impracticable (impossible) to screen will no longer be allowed to be transported on international flights to and from the United States.

In preparation for this deadline, TSA recommends that Indirect Air Carriers speak to their customers who ship these commodities about the benefits of joining the Certified Cargo Screening Standard Security Program (CCSSSP). This initiative began in 2007 by TSA to prevent long backlogs at constrained airline warehouses. The CCSSSP allows certified freight forwarders, ground handlers, and independent security firms to screen cargo for passenger aircraft away from the airport before it is consolidated. Shippers can also qualify as Certified Cargo Screening Facilities (CCSF) if they pack each consignment in a secure portion of their warehouse.

A few weeks ago, the TSA issued this informational flyer for our members to show their clients when discussing joining the CCSSSP. In addition, TSA encourages interested shippers to contact the agency with their forwarder in copy so that both can monitor the application process together.

While the CCSSSP regulation was written for passenger aircraft, TSA informed that the regulation would soon include all-cargo (freighter) flights.

Airforwarders Association (AfA) frequently engages with the TSA. For example, during a meeting at TSA headquarters last month, we were again told that after October 31, 2023, these shipments would no longer be allowed to fly. After that date, the agency said these commodities must be transported on another mode unless tendered to the Indirect Air Carrier or airline by a Shipper Certified Cargo Screening Facility (CCSF).

In response to this impending deadline,  AfA invites interested parties to attend a meeting in Houston, 10am - 12:30 CT. The gathering will include TSA air cargo division leadership, who will share the agency's insights on meeting the requirement and options available for shippers, followed by Q&A.

28 Sep 2023
1:00pm - 3:30pm EDT

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  • Russo's on the Bay, Paragon Ballroom, 162-45 Cross Bay Blvd, Howard Beach, NY 11414